Environmental Science: Nano上发表特邀综述性论文

      广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、 环境科学与工程学院安太成教授近期应英国皇家学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)出版的《Environmental Science: Nano》杂志主编的邀请,在该期刊上发表了题目为《Photocatalytic nanomaterials for solar-driven bacterial inactivation: recent progress and challenges》的综述类学术论文,该论文的第一作者是我校新引进的百人计划教授王万军,通讯作者是我校安太成教授及其长期合作伙伴香港中文大学王保强教授。《Environmental Science: Nano》是英国皇家学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)出版的环境学科顶级、环境科学专业SCI一区期刊,该杂志2016 年影响因子为 5.896,主要报道纳米材料在环境领域的应用及机理研究。


      该特邀综述性论文的发表标志着我校的光催化杀菌消毒方面的研究逐渐进入国际相关领域的前沿。我校安太成教授和李桂英教授长期系统开展光催化杀菌材料与病原微生物杀灭机理方面研究,取得了一系列重要研究成果。近10年来与澳大利亚格林菲斯大学赵惠军教授和香港中文大学王保强教授进行紧密合作研究,在EST、Water Res 和Appl Catal B -Environ等环境科学与工程专业的重要杂志上累计合作发表论文 40余篇。同时2017 年初还受国际著名出版社 Springer的邀请,安太成教授、赵惠军教授和王保强教授共同作为主编出版了一部题名为《Advances in Photocatalytic Disinfection》的专著。

      Abstract: Nanostructured photocatalysts have attracted ever-growing research attention in the application of solar energy for water disinfection. Over the past few decades, various photocatalytic nanomaterials have shown superior bacterial inactivation activity to their bulk counterparts, due to their enhanced interfacial charge separation and large surface area providing more active sites. This review presents an overview of the current research activities that focus on the development of nanostructured photocatalysts for water disinfection, including 0D, 1D and 2D (low-dimensional) nanostructures. The synthesized methods, characterization and photocatalytic bacterial inactivation performances are systematically summarized and discussed. In particular, a new conceptual direction to develop naturally occurring materials is highlighted, especially for accelerating practical industrial application.Moreover, the photocatalytic bacterial inactivation process and mechanisms based on the role of reactive species are briefly reviewed from a tutorial point of view. Finally, future research opportunities and challenges associated with the development of highly efficient and cost-effective nano-photocatalysts for water disinfection using inexhaustible solar energy are also pointed out.

